3400 North Dobson Road, Chandler, AZ 85224
Phone: (480) 897-3636 | Email: info@tbsev.org
At Temple Beth Sholom we are blessed with a high number of dedicated volunteers who contribute countless hours of time and energy to make our community vibrant and productive. But there are many costs that cannot be met by volunteers.
Beyond membership dues, our synagogue depends on creative fundraising and donations to maintain our facilities, fund events, and to pay our excellent staff.
There are so many ways you can support our community including direct donations and a variety of ongoing passive fundraisers. Most of these fundraisers involve a very small investment of your time and then bring money to the synagogue over and over again. A household participating in these programs can easily generate $200 to $2000 a year. Have a look, sign up, and start contributing today!
Or, if you would like to make a general donation please visit our online payments page. To view the various funds (if you wish to choose a fund) please click here.
Set your internet search engine to good shop / goodsearch.com (powered by Yahoo) and TBSEV earns money on every search.
Choose Temple Beth Sholom (Chandler, AZ) from the charity list.
A little before your birthday and / or other occasions, if you are a Facebook.com user create a fundraiser to Temple Beth Sholom of Mesa Inc.
Share the Birthday fundraising form on your page and with friends and when money is donated to your fund, Facebook will donate this money to Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley. (Please note in other to find the correct Temple Beth Sholom Choose “Temple Beth Sholom of Mesa Inc.”)
Good Luck and Temple Beth Sholom appreciates you helping to fundraise through facebook. If you have any questions please contact us.
Passive fundraising is an excellent way to help TBSEV raise funds with your regular day-to-day shopping. We have several options available.
Use the following when signing up: TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM OF THE EAST VALLEY | School ID: 205516
The following items may be donated to TBSEV by dropping them off at the Admin Building during our regular business hours. The Temple gets cash, and you get rid of your junk:
Please donate your used printer cartridges. Place your used cartridges in the box located on the counter in the Administration Office. We have been paying for most of our office supplies for several years through the money that we get from recycling printer cartridges. Please help us keep this worthwhile endeavor going.
Aluminum can donations will help support our General Fund. Please place your CRUSHED aluminum cans (beverage cans only please) in the administration office mail room.
In addition, you may donate your used vehicle to TBSEV. The auction company will come onsite to pick up the vehicle and the blue book value is tax deductible. Please contact our Ways and Means Coordinator for more information.