Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley

Where Ruach Comes Alive!

3400 North Dobson Road, Chandler, AZ 85224
Phone: (480) 897-3636 | Email: info@tbsev.org

Men’s Club


The Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley (TBS-EV) Men’s Club is a member of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, Western Region. The club provides a forum for men committed to improving the quality of Jewish life at TBS-EV and in the Jewish community. The clubs overall goals are to enhance the practice of Conservative Judaism in East Valley and the surrounding cities, provide manpower and funding in support of other TBS-EV organizations, and provide a program of activities that address current issues of concern to the members; e.g., health and fitness, cultural pursuits, photography, computer technology etc. The Men’s club honors B’nai Mitzvah with a special and lasting gift, and sponsors the Yom Hashoah Candle Project. Social events sponsored by the Men’s Club have included boating, fishing, bowling, and poker nights. The Men’s Club has also supported TBS-EV financially and with “sweat equity” in the renovation of the library, kitchen, and Judaica shop.

We are affiliated with:

In support of these goals, the club activities and events:

  1. Strengthen the involvement of the clubs members in the life of the Congregation.
  2. Integrate and advance the institutions of the Congregation.
  3. Promote a more thorough knowledge and appreciation of Jewish life.
  4. Stimulate social and cultural activities among the members and in the community at large.
  5. Train knowledgeable leaders for the Congregation and Jewish Community.
  6. Have Fun!

Current FJMC Webinars / Offerings (Nationwide).

Board of Directors
 (To contact please go to the TBS-EV Board of Directors Page)

Jason Hecht – President

TBD – Vice President + (Publicity, MC Webpage manager)

Joe Wechsler – Treasurer

TBD – Secretary

To join Men’s Club:
1) Please fill out the electronic paperless form (below) – If you would like to pay your membership electronically, please reach out to the club president.


    =required field

    Full Name * :

    (as you wish it to appear on all Men's Club Activities / Correspondence)

    Home Phone:

    Cell Phone:

    Email Address * :

    Note:E-mail addresses are our primary means of communication. They are for official Men’s Club business only, and will not be published, sold, or distributed. Please be sure they are correct and notify us of any changes.

    My preferred method of communication is * :

    Address * :

    City * :

    State * :

    Zip/Postal Code * :

    Your Age * :

    # of Children: * :

    Children's Ages * :

    Spouse's Name:

    Occupation, Hobbies & areas of Interest and Skill that you have and enjoy that could be shared with Men's Club or any information we should know about YOU:

    Please indicate any committees and/or activities that interest you. Feel free to add ideas!

    Can you read Hebrew * ?

    Chant Torah?
    Chant Haftorah?

    Comfortable Leading or Participating in Services * ?

    What Parts of the Service * :

    Are you a Human or Spy-bot? *


    If you need to, you can download the PDF Fill-in Form fill it in and mail or drop it off at Temple Beth Sholom.



    If you would like to pay your men’s club membership dues by check. Have your check made payable to TBSEV-Men’s Club, mail to: 3400 North Dobson Road, Chandler AZ 85224 Note: (Be sure to put TBSEV-Men’s Club year you are paying for – from and to ex 2022 – 2023 dues in the memo line of your check)


    Last Updated on January 10, 2025 by admin