Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley

Where Ruach Comes Alive!

3400 North Dobson Road, Chandler, AZ 85224
Phone: (480) 897-3636 | Email: info@tbsev.org

Event / Meeting Request Form

Please use the form below to fill out a building reservation form, which also includes kitchen reservation information.

When do you want to hold your event?

Please check the TBS-EV Master Calendar before requesting your date! If your event starts after Shabbat (Saturday Night) please also try and schedule it after Shabbat Ends. This website link should help you for scheduling after shabbat ends.

Who Should Fill out a Building Reservation Form?

The chairperson of the event or committee / someone assigned to fill out this form on behalf of the committee, OR one adult from the family hosting the event.

Only Synagogue members, auxiliary groups (Sisterhood / Men’s Club), and Synagogue committees may reserve the building or kitchen using this form. All others must contact the Main Office directly before filling out the reservation form below.

What if my event isn’t on the Synagogue campus? Does this form still need to be utilized?

Yes, and that way your event can have the proper advertisement, signup forms, and also be placed properly on the Synagogue event calendar.

Which Events Require a Building Reservation Form?

Every meeting, class, party, or other event requires a building reservation form to be sure that it is listed on the TBS-EV Calendar, advertised internally and externally (if open to the public), and also has the ability for signing up for your event.

Each event requires a separate building reservation form.

For recurring meetings, please put in the description that the meeting has recurring dates and list them.

When Must a Building Reservation Form be Submitted?

This form MUST be completed and approved at least three weeks before the meeting.

Thank you for submitting your Event Request Form below. Your event is NOT confirmed until you receive the final confirmation via phone or e-mail from Michele Millman or office volunteer.

Zoom Events & Hybrid Events:

Zoom access is not guaranteed. We have 1 paid Zoom account and it may have already been scheduled for another event. If this is critical to your event, you may need to use your own account. Please contact the technology chair  for assistance.

What is Ticket Tailor?

This is the website we use for signups. You can charge fees if necessary and ask for donations. Ticket Tailor is free if your event is free, but they charge 55¢ per ticket if you have a fee. They do not charge a fee for donations. The technology committee can print the doorlist for you.

Will you serve food?

Please abide by the TBS-EV kashrut guidelines.

    * = required field

    First Name * :

    Last Name * :

    Name of Person in charge of Event *if different from person completing the form:

    Phone * :

    Email Address * :

    Calendar Dates and Shabbat begin and end Times:

    Be sure to check Dates on TBS-EV's Master Calendar

    For Shabbat times Visit chabad.org (use 85224 as Zipcode if prompted and click on the date to change to date you need info for.)

    Date of Event * :

    Recurring Event? *

    If recurring event please specify additional date(s):

    Do you need someone to open / close the room(s) for your event? *

    Name of Event: * :

    Event Description * :

    Note: Use CTRL or Command + Mouse Click for Multiple Selections.
    Rooms to Reserve * :
    Number of people * :

    Please Let us know the location of your event * :

    NOTE: The community room will not be available Summer months of May - August during Summer Camp.

    Social Hall setup form will be e-mailed / delivered to office * :

    Download here: socialhall-setup-template

    Do you need a zoom link setup for event?

    E-mail address of person(s) needing Zoom link for distribution
    (Put a , and space in-between addresses if multiple people e-mailed) * :

    Event time start * :

    Event time end * :

    If the event has a RSVP date, enter last date required to RSVP for the Event "MM/DD/YY":

    Name of group(s) organizing Event * :

    Is there an event cost ? *

    If cost enter pricing:

    Ticket Tailor ? *

    Using different event registration website? * :

    Please enter the website address of your event registration * :

    Audio / Visual Equipment?

    Note: All liability for the use of TBS-EV Audio / Visual equipment is on the host of the event. The host agrees to pay for damages to equipment if not returned in same condition. *

    We will need a tech person to help during the event? *

    Do you have a tech person's name to request?

    Note: Use CTRL or Command + Mouse Click for Multiple Selections.

    Other equipment not listed:

    Event Flyer * :

    If you have a flyer to send please send it to flyers@tbsev.org

    Which media do you need this Event to be advertised in: (Check all that apply) * :

    Are you serving food? *

    NOTE:All cooked food must be prepared in the TBS-EV kitchen or provided by an approved kosher caterer. Snacks must have kosher certification (hechsher). If you have questions, please visit our Kashrut Page.
    Will the food be catered?NoYes

    Name of caterer * :

    Not catering?

    Will you need TBS-EV staff assistance in preparing food? NoYes

    Note: If NO is chosen "Only packaged food such as chips, cookies, and other snacks with proper kosher certification (hechsher) may be served on the tables.

    Explain your needs in detail:

    Note: Someone from the kitchen staff will contact you.

    We want your event to be safe and also make sure that you are aware of people arriving on campus, checked in etc. Please list 2 people who will watch the gate and check people in. Please confirm with the people before putting their names in this box. *

    NOTE: Someone from Security will be in contact with you regarding your answer to this question.

    Additional Information:

    Are you a Human or Spy-bot? *