Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley

Where Ruach Comes Alive!

3400 North Dobson Road, Chandler, AZ 85224
Phone: (480) 897-3636 | Email: info@tbsev.org

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Has Michele Millman or Rabbi Brodie gone above and beyond for you or someone you know?  Have you noticed how much each has done to benefit our synagogue, our members, and the community?  Have you had a glimpse of how dedicated and hardworking each is behind the scenes with their never-ending compassion, integrity and hard work?

Now is the time to show our appreciation for all they do.

Our “JAR-WARS” competition is currently going on in the TBS-EV office. “Queen Michele,” mother of “Princess Leah,” is competing against “Rav (Brodie) Vader” to see who is the ultimate Star-defender.  The winner (whoever has the most money in their jar at the end of the competition), will be able to purchase a classy Fedora hat of their choice with a $100 gift card, and will sport this hat in a glamour photo in our Quarterly Bulletin.  The loser will wear a silly hat of the FUNd Committee’s choice, and has agreed to wear it in a photo of shame in the same Quarterly Bulletin.  No staff has been injured (yet) during this competition, and both have graciously and enthusiastically agreed to participate.  TBS-EV Family and Friends may come into the Office and drop money into the jar of their favorite Star-defender (Rabbi Brodie or Michele), or may fill the jar of one (or both) as a token of gratitude and acknowledgement of a job well done.  Money may also be given to one jar or the other, or both, through the Jar-Wars link on our website.  Simply click the link below and choose  “Rabbi Brodie,” “Michele,” or “Split between both.” NOTE: As Obi-Wan says “Use the Force and Choose Wisely!”

The JAR-WARS cash jars are currently in the TBS-EV Office and are available during our normal office hours.  In addition, the jars will be available on site before religious school on Sundays, so please remember to bring cash.  Donations will benefit the TBS-EV General Fund, so it’s a win-win-WIN situation. Yes, we all win!

Cash and online donations to JAR-WARS will be accepted until the TBS-EV Hanukkah Party on December 24, 2021, where the winner will be announced in person at 9pm, and the gift card will be handed to the winner.


Picture coming soon!!!

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