Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley

Where Ruach Comes Alive!

3400 North Dobson Road, Chandler, AZ 85224
Phone: (480) 897-3636 | Email: info@tbsev.org

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Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley is the only Conservative Synagogue in the East Valley and is a member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. We welcome interfaith families and partners in interfaith relationships to all services and events at our inclusive community.

Members & Visitors: Please sign up for all in-person services / events and zoom events. Thank you for keeping TBS-EV safe and secure.

NOTE: There is one sign-up for Saturday morning, regardless of English or Spanish services.

(Signups for worship services are available Saturday 9:30pm each week for the next Shabbat.)

Please be sure to click until you see the “Thank You” page.

*** If you have any accessibility needs, please contact the office at accessibility@tbsev.org.
Click here for Covid-19 policy

Here is an instructional video if you need help:

To view your current event registrations use our self-serve ticket center link (E-mail address required)

If you are having trouble ordering your tickets please click: Here

Once arriving at the synagogue, please proceed to the office (Monday-Thursday during normal hours of operation) or to the front left gate Friday-Sunday (Click to view Map) where you may be asked to show valid identification. We would like everyone to have a pleasant visit. 




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